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How lifestyle diseases threaten our health globally

...and how to prevent them

Meine Bauchgefuehle preventable lifestyle diseases

As previously described, today’s all-pervasive lifestyle diseases are mostly preventable. [1] They are the result of our modern lifestyle and thus, can be prevented and treated with a healthier lifestyle.

With 46.4 million euros, the highest medical expenses in Germany (13.7%) were spent on cardiovascular diseases in 2015 and 41.6 million euros (12.3%) for diseases of the digestive system. [2] Both fall under the umbrella of lifestyle diseases.

This begs the question: If the biggest expenses in health care are spent on preventable chronic lifestyle diseases, shouldn't preventing these diseases be the focus, instead of spending huge amounts on treating these diseases after they have already manifested?

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), prevention is the most cost-effective and sustainable way to deal with the chronic disease epidemic in the world. [3]

Only 0.9% of expenditures by German statutory health insurances were spent on prevention in 2015 [4].

Yet, in 2015, German statutory health insurances only spent 0.9% of their expenditures on prevention [4]. If the focus was placed on preventing lifestyle diseases, health care (or rather sick care) expenses could drastically be decreased.

In addition to that, prevention is far more cost-effective, than expensive medical interventions and treatments. Prevention is mainly about education and promoting healthy lifestyles. For example, a 2017 nutrition study done by Techniker Krankenkasse showed, that 25% of respondents don’t eat healthy because they lack the knowledge about healthy eating. [5]

Current research shows how big of a role we play in our own wellbeing and that we have far more power than we think. We need to realise that we aren’t at the mercy of our genes and that we need to caretake our health in order to maintain it.

Each day, we have the opportunity to make healthier choices that support our bodies on all levels. So that we can stay healthy and feeling good.

How do we go about doing this?! We need to start taking responsibility for our own health and wellbeing... Learn more about it here.

More thirst for knowledge?

Keep reading here: Our Three Brains

Want to learn more about the Meine Bauchgefuehle concept? Click here.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, Aha’s and questions in the comments below this blog.


Last accessed May 2018

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* Hinweis: Keine Aussagen, die das Wort „Heilung“ oder verwandte Wörter verwenden, sind als Heilversprechen zu verstehen. Es bezieht sich entsprechend seiner etymologischen Herkunft auf das Konzept des ‚Ganzwerdens‘ und wird verwendet, um konzeptionell den Prozess der Integration des ganzen Seins zu beschreiben. An keiner Stelle werden auf dieser Webseite oder in anderen Veröffentlichungen Heilversprechen gegeben.



Disclaimer: This website, blog, all content (including texts, graphics, images, information, featured studies) and any linked material are for educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard medical advice and never hesitate to seek it based on the content presented here or that of related materials. Always make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.  I recommend discussing and reviewing the information presented here with your doctor.

* Note: No statements containing "healing" or any related words are used to promise curing anything. According to its etymological origin, it refers to the concept of 'becoming whole' and is used to conceptually describe the process of integration. No promises of healing/curing are made anywhere on this website or in other publications.

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