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Meine Bauchgefuehle is a deeply personalized and empathetic approach, focusing on the holistic interconnectedness of body, mind, and heart.

Unlike conventional coaching systems, it emphasizes the importance of tuning into our body's inner wisdom, guiding you to understand and respect your own unique physical, mental, and emotional needs.

You have unique gifts to share with the world and I’m here to help you feel healthy, inspired, and empowered to do so!

By understanding and removing obstacles, and transforming patterns that have been holding you back on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, you are finally able to step into the unique role you came to play on this earth.

Transformation with MEINE BAUCHGEFUEHLE Coaching

Your missing experience on the path to real transformation.

Empower yourself on your path to wellness, happiness and fulfillment with coaching that transcends conventional boundaries, leading you to the best healer in the whole world: Yourself.


The Meine Bauchgefuehle Coaching System teaches you how to tune into and listen to the language of your body and thereby uncover and address the root causes of your pain and struggles, instead of just addressing symptoms on a superficial level. Enabling you to understand and meet your own unique physical, mental, and emotional needs.


As a Holistic Health and Life Coach with a foundation in Psychology, Transformational Nutrition, and Communication, I offer a unique, empathetic partnership to navigate your life's challenges together.

I am committed to guiding you on YOUR journey.

Image by Arijit M

With me, you'll get a safe space to explore your deepest vulnerabilities and integrate your wounded parts. Empowered by a coach who has personally experienced this journey, listens deeply, helps you to heal from within, and walks alongside of you every step of the way.


Experience deep transformation through a blend of professional expertise and genuine, heartfelt connection.


Instead of providing a map, I am empowering you to reconnect to your own inner compass so that you can navigate your path to wellness with confidence, clarity, and compassion.

and you've got all it takes!


Factors, HOLISTIC COACHING looks at

The Meine Bauchgefuehle Coaching Process

Holistic. Root cause oriented. Compassionate and Loving.

The coaching process starts with the decision of WANTING to change and being WILLING to dive deep into whatever needs to be looked at – including hidden and uncomfortable aspects.

  • Identifying and admitting to where you are and what the problem/ challenge is

  • ​Uncovering the root causes that led you there with the unique Meine Bauchgefuehle ‘Root cause uncovering process’

  • Holistically addressing and resolving the root cause(s) on all levels

  • Creating the vision of the truly desired state

  • Identifying and resolving any resistance and blockages to that new state

  • Taking inspired action with support and accountability

Why coaching with me is unique...

I get you, and I help you get yourself.

My journey hasn’t been easy. I experienced over 15 years of pain, chronic diseases, depression, anxiety – you name it… This frustrating odyssey led me to deeply researching everything I could find about true transformation and healing.


After many years of diving deep into the heart of pain, I followed my calling and became a Holistic Health and Life Coach. Now, I’m on a mission to support and inspire freedom-seeking people like you to reconnect to their inner voice and create a loving relationship with themselves, so that they finally feel healthy and free to create the life they came here for.


My enthusiastic, motivated, deeply compassionate and empathetic nature is at the heart of all my work.

What you get with me as your coach:

  • A safe space to open up and share things you don’t feel comfortable sharing anywhere else yet

  • Being seen and listened to without judgement

  • Someone who relates to your pain and is not overwhelmed with your situation, due to her own past struggles

  • A unique blend of deep knowledge, personal experience, and profound empathy

  • Support on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic/spiritual level

  • A deeper understanding about the root causes of your struggles, how they are connected and how to go about resolving them

  • Tools and techniques to understand and support yourself

  • Highly activating energy, motivation, inspiration, and positive focus

  • It is my gift to really attune to and feel into you, joining you in your experience, while also holding space for objective observation and intuitive guidance

  • Experiencing the missing pieces and experiences and integrating them

  • Connection on a human, rather than a superficial professional level

  • Someone who believes in you, even if you don’t, yet…

Ready for Coaching?!


Book your appointment here and let's get started.


Coaching also available in German (please contact me here)

Inspiring Success Stories

My clients get great results! They share some of their experiences here:

Image by Khadeeja Yasser

Marina is absolutely incredible! She shines bright as one of the most beautiful humans I've ever encountered. Working with her is like basking in sunshine - even while moving through hard places, in the light of the love she brings, healing actually FEELS possible, for the first time.


I have been working with her for only about 8 months and my life looks and feels completely different.

The kind of loving and compassionate presence she brings paved the way for me to feel it for myself, and to invite it in from the rest of the world.

She is exactly the healer I needed and I owe her a gratitude that is too deep for words. She is trustworthy and warm and her capacity to go to dark places while still bringing the light and the love is magical. Magical!


I believe that we all need this kind of support in our lives!

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Andrew G., Canada


Some great partners and companies that I've worked with

Terra Elements
Greenestyle Munich

Bravely facing the waves and diving deep

reveals the hidden treasures inside.



In order to live a healthy life and feel good, you need a combination of self-responsibility and loving, competent, external support.


Coaching aims at building a loving relationship with yourself, being able to hear your inner voice again and bravely following it.


In this way, we can give ourselves what we need on all levels in order to feel good and live the authentic, healthy, happy life that we really want.

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More about the components of the model:

Image by Jernej Graj

Mental & psychological factors:

  • ​Learning one's own role in building and maintaining wellbeing

  • Establish an awareness for a healthier lifestyle

  • Recognizing limiting beliefs and patterns and releasing them

  • Integrating healthy routines into day-to-day life

  • Recognizing the role of thoughts/mindset

  • Reaching your goals

  • Saving time with structured planning and prioritizing

Your next steps

What happens next?! Here are your next steps to coaching:


Choose a Coaching Package & fill out Health Assessment Form (optional)

Coaching Paket

Our 1. Coaching: Where are you & where do you want to go? Let's map it out

Erstes MB Coaching

Start your transformative journey - supported by me on every step you take

Transformative Reise

Are you speaking the language of your body?

Meine Bauchgefuehle Nahrung für Kopf Herz  und Bauch
Meine Bauchgefühle Mahlzeitenplanung

​Subscribe to get instant access to these two FREE e-books.


You’ll also get the latest updates, tips and information about holistic health and how to best take care of yourself and your wellbeing, as well as support from me straight to your inbox each month.

So far, the e-books are only available in German.

​​By subscribing, you consent to the processing of your data (s. data protection). You can unsubscribe at any time.

Exploring further and diving deeper...


Wanna start right away? These

are a great place to start!

Motivational Quotes and Thoughts for Daily Inspiration

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You'll also get two amazing e-books for free. 

Disclaimer: Diese Seite sowie der Blog, sämtliche Inhalte (inkl. Texte, Grafiken, Bilder, Informationen, vorgestellte Studien) und jegliches verlinktes Material dienen nur zu Informationszwecken und stellen keinen Ersatz für eine ärztliche Beratung, Diagnose oder Behandlung dar. Missachte niemals professionelle medizinische Beratung oder ärztlichen Rat und zögere nie, diesen aufgrund der hier präsentierten Inhalte oder der damit verbundenen Materialien einzuholen. Triff Entscheidungen in Bezug auf deine Gesundheit immer in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arzt oder medizinischen Fachpersonal deines Vertrauens. Ich empfehle, die hier präsentierten Informationen in einem Gespräch mit deinem Arzt zu besprechen und überprüfen zu lassen.

* Hinweis: Keine Aussagen, die das Wort „Heilung“ oder verwandte Wörter verwenden, sind als Heilversprechen zu verstehen. Es bezieht sich entsprechend seiner etymologischen Herkunft auf das Konzept des ‚Ganzwerdens‘ und wird verwendet, um konzeptionell den Prozess der Integration des ganzen Seins zu beschreiben. An keiner Stelle werden auf dieser Webseite oder in anderen Veröffentlichungen Heilversprechen gegeben.



Disclaimer: This website, blog, all content (including texts, graphics, images, information, featured studies) and any linked material are for educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard medical advice and never hesitate to seek it based on the content presented here or that of related materials. Always make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.  I recommend discussing and reviewing the information presented here with your doctor.

* Note: No statements containing "healing" or any related words are used to promise curing anything. According to its etymological origin, it refers to the concept of 'becoming whole' and is used to conceptually describe the process of integration. No promises of healing/curing are made anywhere on this website or in other publications.

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